Mar 9, 2013 | encouragement
Why is it that the distance of God can be more comfortable than His presence sometimes? That underneath it all, sometimes that grace-thing is a little hard to swallow? When the wounds of the world expose a God that does not come through as we planned and the grace in...
Jan 25, 2013 | encouragement
Special Olympics training… We knew our son needed a better feel for his snowshoes or we’d be sending him off to the winter Olympics tripping over his own feet. The challenge… Connor needed to practice with snowshoes on his feet, but southwest Michigan had yet to see...
Dec 31, 2012 | encouragement
a blessing over you, You are loved. Truly loved. By your Creator. And yes, by me. You are valuable and of great worth. Not for what you have done, but for who you are. Not through your calling, your accomplishments, your status, your labels, who your friends are, who...
Dec 21, 2012 | encouragement
Stop living the myth. How many times, inside the church, outside the church, have you heard well-meaning people say, “God won’t give you more than you can handle”? I’ll be blunt. That’s a lie. I can’t find that verse in any version I’ve read of the Bible. And I’ve...
Dec 11, 2012 | encouragement
My children have trusted me. Planned trips, surprise excursions, an occasional out-of-the-blue appearance at school for an afternoon of hooky, they each trusted me. They didn’t know where we were going. They didn’t care how we’d get there, nor where we’d get food,...
Dec 5, 2012 | encouragement
It’s hard to fathom grace, grasp grace, process grace, acknowledge grace, receive grace. Regardless, the grace of God follows whether we turn towards or away. It’s the shadow that pursues. As we step into His light its evidence walks with every step. As lights dim we...