a few thoughts
Maybe you need a lift?
It's late September in southwest Michigan, and almost harvest time in the vineyard that hugs my...
Do you have strong women in your circle?
From a distance I marveled at my friend as she led her team through a voice of inner confidence...
Why you need art
"You gotta have art" read the bright yellow button that my upbeat, energetic teacher wore on her smock, along with a poster hanging on the door to my favorite hideaway...
What I learned about my relationship with God through my son with Down syndrome
By age five our son Connor, born with low muscle tone, loose ligaments and a chromosomal anomaly, had only been walking just beyond a year. Until then he sat at his dad’s feet, and with smiling eyes sparkling, he tracked every move, listened to every word, mimicked gestures, facial expressions, and scooted after him as he could. The capacity of a boundless love tore down the barriers of his physical and cognitive limitations to become just like his father.
Create your spiritual space
2020 came with the reminder of everything we can't control and regardless of how we shape it, nothing's guaranteed. So how do you build up resiliency and retreat from the anxiety of hard tomorrows as we enter a new...
Necessary endings. What will become of the Church?
Pride’s been reigning over peace in the hearts of Christian patriots. Conspiracy theories slithered into the isolation, unrest and fears of the pandemic and charmed church folk clutching for sense in the senseless. Will the world be able to still see Jesus through the splattered mud on His bride? Will the Church’s face be washed to reveal the scars of Jesus again?
Let your soul speak its truth
"The soul speaks its truth only under quiet, inviting, and trustworthy conditions. The soul is like a wild animal–tough, resilient, savvy, self-sufficient, and yet exceedingly shy. If we want to see a wild animal, the...
Piercing the Darkness
It's Christmas morning, and the dark weight of the world rests kind of heavy on our shoulders. Too many are alone, waking in silence. Wanting and waiting. This 2020–who hasn't held their breathe? That killer virus...
C’mon woman, lift her lid
C'mon woman. Or should we change that to Woman, c'mon? Let's start lifting lids. Sure we all have invisible canopies and barriers, but have you placed them on other women, or even yourself? Do you approach life with...