a few thoughts

C’mon woman, lift her lid

C’mon woman, lift her lid

C'mon woman. Or should we change that to Woman, c'mon? Let's start lifting lids. Sure we all have invisible canopies and barriers, but have you placed them on other...

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Love with strength?

“Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands...

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our beautiful messes

There's creation and life going on. My kids are home! We've been kicking up the dust that settled since summer, when job commitments and school hushed the household and our "planned" lives resumed. The long...

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Go ahead and laugh

What feeds your soul? Letting go… diving deep… trusting what you don’t see… free falling into the arms of Jesus… How about throwing back your head and laughing… in the midst of friends who mirror love? My heart...

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Is there more to life?

Are you doing okay with who you are, where you are…or do you wish for more? I love the obvious but relevant quote found in Dallas Willard’s book Divine Conspiracy. Willard said, “…not going to London or Atlanta is a...

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It’s Sunday. Just as the new light blankets the world with the mist that hangs low, wanting to cling to the earth, letting her feel and breathe in its presence, so grace descends from heaven and submerges it in a new...

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Saturday’s tomb

Good Friday shook the earth. Now, it's Saturday. Hope is crushed and life goes on. Empty disappointment mingles with the stench of despondency. Melancholy sobs convulse deep in my soul. Do you feel it? I can’t remove...

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